On Passion & Candour: My Crusade for Excellence / by Editor

It all began in 1989 when I joined here as a Trainee Engineer. A fidgety curious student, my very first role had to be a testing-cum-customer-care engineer; and it went on for 3 whole years. Arming me with technical, industrial and professional expertise; what I learnt in those years no words could ever convey! Like a true tenderfoot, I rolled from department to department, function to function and across various levels; beginning from Panel Engineering and gradually moving onto Transformers as well.


For about almost a decade, HVR Engineering was my home and final inspection and testing my forte. Come 2006 and HVR Production beckoned me this time! Taking me from just-an-engineer to everything that I could lay my hands on, I was feeling pumped-up, alive and kicking! I mean, I was getting paid to play, experiment, learn and grow in the verticals that I chose to work in and was allowed to shift whenever I wanted. How cool is that?

It definitely made me the man I am today. I'm now showcasing my skills in the traffic sector - a whole new exciting world for me. I'm often asked by my kin "What does Ador mean to you?"; Ador still means family to me! It's the people that makes an organization and Ador is made up of eternally youthful people who make me feel at home! But there's a difference now. Even though I've worked here for ages - today it feels like I am truly helping to Change the Face of India.

This being my very first job, there are so many factors which made working at Ador special for me. Apart from an excellent atmosphere to learn, there's no such thing as a hierarchy here. The bosses are professional yet amiable and excellent mentors at the same time. Every single person is easily approachable and we gel so well together as a team.

Working as a Leader Engineering - Traffic/Clean Air, there are two words I'd like to use to describe my job profile - Open and Flexible. I've been shifting my roles across verticals and rotating my job (which is quite rare in the industry); and I feel that I've got immense learning exposure and potential to perform whatever the task thrown at me. The hallmark of my profile are challenges and variety which provided me tremendous satisfaction and an adrenaline rush like nothing else.

"Throw me to the wolves and I'll come leading the pack. I'll surely make a comeback, As a leader of the whole pack! Cuz there's a secret of yore, That strengthens me evermore -By the name of Ador."

Despite being an electronic engineer, I handle the mechanical part too, due to which I'm compelled to go back to the books! The curve goes like this: learning - satisfaction - new opportunities - excitement and then learning again!


Everyone dreams of it but here at Ador I get to do it hands-on! It's a nascent concept and we've just scratched the surface, but the pace and the path of our work makes me swell with pride! Ensuring that every citizen reaches home safely, I feel captivated of the enormous help we're providing the government through the Smart Cities Project.

Deploying our VMS products is just the start. I have a magnificent vision for Ador. Concentrating more on innovative solutions, I believe we should probe deeper into effective road safety and corporate social responsibility. I aim towards Ador being invited by the Road Congress and achieving such a recognition that Ador becomes synonymous with Road Safety!

Apart from growing on completely indigenous resources, we should encourage greater employment too. Working at Ador has impacted my life in a wonderful way! I look into the mirror every morning and ask myself one question: " Would I like to switch this for anything else?" And the answer is No!

I have a well-balanced personal and professional life, I have an amazing job. What more could anyone possibly ask for?

Parag PENDSE is the Leader-Engineering for the Clean Air & Traffic business lines of Ador. Parag has been part of the Ador team for over 28 years in various roles. Today, he is a crucial member of the strategic decision-making team (Team Shillim…

Parag PENDSE is the Leader-Engineering for the Clean Air & Traffic business lines of Ador. Parag has been part of the Ador team for over 28 years in various roles. Today, he is a crucial member of the strategic decision-making team (Team Shillim) at Ador. Parag is responsible for a group of engineers that has constantly & successfully innovated to help lead the change within the industries where Ador participates. www.adorpower.com