Made in India. Made for India / by Editor

The significant economic growth that India has experienced over the last ten years has led to an enormous strain on the traffic infrastructure, often causing congestion and peak hour stress. Ador's world class traffic VMS systems help city and highway authorities communicate critical messages that allow commuters to preempt, prevent and prepare for traffic congestions.

Every day about 53700 vehicles are registered on Indian roads. Continuing economic growth and prosperity has resulted in more vehicles and consequently bottle necks and traffic congestion in major cities. Infrastructure investment challenges and unique cultural implications (extreme weather, literacy, inadequate infrastructure, safety) have posed unique obstacles in the way of seamless traffic flow in India.

Ador has indigenously developed an VMS product line which can be mounted on road gantries as well as mobile-trailer based units that can be often moved between various areas prone to congestion.
The VMSs are used by city and highway authorities in various parts of the city to communicate traffic congestion, planned or existing road closure, road works, PWD works, religious processions impacting road traffic, accidents, flood warnings etc.

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