In the time it'll take for you to view this page, a traffic accident on an Indian road will claim another life.
On an average, every 10 minutes, 3 people are killed due to traffic fatalities in India. Over 1,37,000 Indians were killed in road accidents last year. To put this in perspective, that is more than the number of people killed in all the wars India has fought, put together.
At Ador, we help ensure that people get home safe every day. We do this through our resilient technology solutions that are specifically designed for the intended outcomes and geographies.
India has over 200 million registered vehicles on its roads. Over 50 million of these were added in the last 5 years. With 250,000 kilometers of national and state highways, road safety and traffic management have become huge challenges.
“Our national roads are more dangerous than the frontline at the Siachen Glacier. ”
► Video: Watch how Ador is transforming Indian roads using technology.
The recent initiatives by the Government of India on investment in upgrading major highways as well as the Smart Cities Initiative, both aim to address these challenges.
For more information about our Traffic solutions contact: + 91 9767897104